Solar Moonshot Program Grantee
Ekvn-Yefolecv 2
"In addition to renewable energy coinciding with our traditional Maskoke values, our ecovillage community is exceptionally remote which inherently necessitates a completely off-grid lifestyle. This solar array, supported by the Solar Moonshot Program, is providing power for our 4,500 sq ft community center, designed for governance, library, guest lodging, and especially for sewing traditional Maskoke textiles, beadwork, pottery, basketry etc. Solar power is not only the primary energy source for community buildings in our ecovillage, but through a solar array, our dependence on Sun for cooling and for powering LED lights, for instance, reinvigorates our traditional cosmological worldview wherein we daily offer gratitude to Sun - a sacred manifestation of Creator."
-Marcus Briggs-Cloud, Co-Director, Ekvn-Yefolecv
Environmental Benefit Equivalencies (25 Years)
Pounds of Coal Burned
Homes' Electricity Use for 1 Year
Acres of U.S. Forest CO2 Sequestration for 1 Year